Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Big Catch-Up

Hebrew School has been progressing and our students have been making tremendous progress, each grade on their own level. Aleph Champ, Aleph-Bet Bayit, Torahpedia, and Hands-on Judaism have been filling up our Sundays with fun activities and great learning experiences.

With Chanukah approaching, we will continue to focus on Hebrew-reading and language, yet, we will take a break from our other curriculum and shift gears to the Chanukah story, to familiarize each student with the story and customs and most importantly - a sense of Jewish pride!

Please enjoy these photos depicting some of the fun and educational activities which have taken place throughout the past few weeks.

 Learning about the High Holidays and traditions - in our new building!

 Introducing...Mitvah Missions! Our way to incorporate lessons learned into our daily lives - with a bonus of Torah dollars and weekly drawings.

 Apple Pie baking with pastry chef and Hebrew School teacher, Morah Nechama.

 Kitah Aleph makes Sukkot decorations.

 Kitah Bet makes Sukkah City.

 Aleph Bet review with Rabbi Avi. We are reading five-letter words with vowels now!

 Kitah Bet enjoying a hands-on lesson about Ahavat Yisroel, the commandment to love each Jew. During this activity, each student described his or her candle, ignited their neighbors candle, and then proceeded to learn how essentially, we are all the same despite external differences for we each have a soul ignited by G-d, just as each candle shares a spark from one original candle. We learned to focus on the similarities between each other rather than on the differences and came up wiyth practical solutions to various scenarios which would challenge our 'Ahavat Yisroel" and our ability to love and respect our brethren.

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