Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Light of Chanukah

Chabad Hebrew School students celebrated Chanukah all month long. They learned the fascinating details of the story, the history of our customs, and celebrated the traditions. 

From menorah painting, to Chanukah parties, down to the donuts, 
dreidels, and chocolate gelt, it is easy to see that by making things fun and exciting for our children with sprinkles of making it real, Judaism becomes more than an ancient history book with thousand-year-old customs. 

One of the highlights of Chanukah was teaching our students the valuable lesson of remembering others who are less fortunate than us during our festivities. While we were busy with holiday celebrations, there were children cooped up in the hospital. Thank you to all the parents who participated in the Chanukah gift drive and to all the students who brought joy to the pediatric patients in Virtua Hospital.

May the light of Chanukah shine throughout the year. May the lessons of the story be a guiding light to us and our children. May the Jewish pride stand so strong all throughout the year as it does on the holiday of Chanukah.